Saturday, June 12, 2010


I just returned from our Saturday night prayer time at Berean Baptist Church. It so happened I was the only one tonight. Now days there are 2-4, but this was a rare occasion. I found myself thinking back over the years and what has taken place there. It was probably 40 years ago this fall that I was asked to fill the pulpit on a Sunday morning. Then they asked me back on Wednesday night and here I am 40 years later. Berean is a small place, but much has taken place there. I read years ago: "Is your place a small place, tend it with care, God set you there". I would never have dreamed then, that I would still be there so many years later. I thought of some of the special privileges God has given me there. It seemed God was helping me reminisce.
It was there that our children were dedicated to the Lord
It was there I had the privilege of baptizing them.
I baptized my mom and dad there.
I married our four daughters there.
I married our dad to John's mother-in -law.
I married my sister to Don.
It was there that God opened my eyes to the spiritual battle.
That opened up a ministry that has become a part of the churches ministry
We have seen some of our people head to the mission field.
This "small place" has been of significant blessing my life and in my families life. I am grateful for what God has done there. I have learned how important it is to wait on God's leading. It is not in man that walketh to direct his own steps. Whatever God has accomplished there, He is to be credited.


Elisa Seaba said...

Liked this post Daddy!

Marilee We Roll Along said...

Very special and so touching. Many lives, especially ours, have been influenced by your ministry. Only eternity will reveal its entirety.