Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I don't consider myself a mountain climber, but I have climbed West Spanish Peak a couple of times. I can relate my 1000 mile goal to those experiances. You begin with enthusiasm and it soon becomes real work. What it takes is staying at it and not quitting. As V.R. Edaman would say, "Quitting make a dead end to any road, It is always to soon to quit". The peak, the goal always looks so far off, but if you look back, it is always amazing to see how far you have come. For the first 10 days of April, I was ill and not able to make progress. The end looked a long way off. I have been back at it and today I reached 334 miles or 1/3 the way to the top. That encourages me. So much of life is like that. You begin something with enthusiasm and the the real work begins with a temptation to quit. I repeat if the thing was worth beginning then it is TOO SOON TO QUIT. It is the discipline of determination. One of my grandchildren may be in a situation where you are tempted to quit. Keep your eye on the goal, ask Jesus for strength to continue on and sometimes look back and see how far you have come. IT IS ALWAYS TOO SOON TOO QUIT!

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