Tuesday, March 1, 2011


It is time to report progress on the 2011 goal. I think February must have been difficult for staying on task. There is plenty of time before the end of the year for catching up. The following is what I have received:
Roger and Mary: Roger-175 miles, Mary-222 miles, we are up to date on reading through the Bible.
Duehrings: Damon-47 miles, June-220 miles & Maggie-55 miles, Damon, June& Maggie are on track reading through the Bible, Micah & Evan are on track reading the New Testament.
Seabas: John-33.2 miles, Elisa-164.6 miles, Trey-23.5 miles, Avery-22.5 miles Elisa, John & Trey are up to date reading through the Bible and Avery is in the NT.
Lankers Greg-38 miles, Susan-45 miles, Meryn-16 miles, Greg and Susan are working on catching up in Bible reading.
Veers Julie plans on catching up on Bible reading in March. If others let me know I will edit the post. I remember what it was like in the business of raising a family. I will look for a good report at the end of March.


June Duehring said...

Way to PASS me, mommy. :) I am determined to get to 300 by the end of March.

Elisa Seaba said...

Good title for the post! :) March can only get better for us!! :)

Marilee We Roll Along said...

I admire all of you!