Thursday, February 7, 2008


When Mary and I started raising a family, I had wished that our children could have grown up on a farm. I really enjoyed my years on the farm. It provided endless opportunities for exploration and fun. We had about a mile of creek that needed a lot of exploring. I was one of three children. John was 6 years older and Roberta a year younger. We had a brother Edward who died in infancy. Since Roberta was about the same age, we did a lot together. Some of the things I enjoyed as a boy: looking for kittens in the haymow - baptizing cats in cattle tank(they weren't willing) - hypnotizing chickens - trapping gophers - and fishing in the creek. As we got older, there were chores and fieldwork. As I look back, I enjoyed it all. I thank God for those years and learning the lessons of farming and the cycles of life under the care of attentive, loving parents. It was a good beginning.


The Lanker Family said...

Well I guess we could have gotten used to the smells of a farm(can't imagine it though).:) After reading this I am understanding where these crazy boys of ours inherited some different ideas of fun. They would probably find a bunch more if we lived on a farm!

Don and Roberta Graber said...

We did have a lot of fun didn't we!Don't forget all of our endless hours of bicycle riding - your red bike, and mine maroon - riding down the drive-way with "no hands".

A Full House said...

How exactly does one hypnotize a chicken and then once hypnotized, what do you get it to do for you???

Marilee We Roll Along said...

I agree--there's no place like the farm to grow up! I have wished the same thing for our boys. Regarding baptizing the cats, it sounds like you were preparing for the ministry even then!

Don and Roberta Graber said...

You also "baptized" my dolls. I remember one of them having water in its head afterwards.
To Marilee - you mentioned his preparing for the ministry. When we were very young, 7& 8 probably, maybe younger, we played church. He was the preacher, my dolls and I were the congregation. I remembering him taking up the offering once and I put a few pennies in his offering plate.

Neirly News said...

did you hypnotize the chickens before you cut their heads off when we lived on 30th street? poor birds!!!

love-your pride and joy

Marilee We Roll Along said...

I enjoyed hearing about the "play church" days. We did that, too. I would preach to my Grandmother McBoyle and my sister, Donneta. I would "give and invitation" for them to come forward and, of course, asked them for an offering!