Sunday, February 3, 2008


When I was young, our family attended a church where I learned very little of the Bible. At our home we had a big old upright radio that had short wave capability. While I was investigating what stations I could find, I found HCJB (Heralding Christ Jesus' Blessings) broadcasting from Quito, Ecuador. I listened to Christian programs by the hour. I am so grateful that God led me to find the station and created a hunger in me for the Bible. My early knowledge of God's love for me, before I was a Christian was broadcast from high in the Andes in South America. In October 2006, I had the blessing of visiting Ecuador and sharing how God had used that station in Quito to bring the gospel to a lad in Iowa. I am grateful to the founders of HCJB.

1 comment:

Don and Roberta Graber said...

I also remember listening a lot to the preacher from Del Rio, Texas. You would listen to him a lot in those early years.